All 24,570 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.

Having used a Python script to make a list of player names from the Online Superelite DB, I then used another script to attempt to download the Nov. 2020 games from each of those players, ending up with about 2,000 PGNs. After running them through pgn-extract with the same filters used for the rest of the Online Superelite DB, this was the result. These games have players rated at least 2500. Games are between 20-150 moves, and end in checkmate. Doubles, bullet games, and non-standard games have been removed.

5,875 games (with evaluations and openings):

This is a combination of the Chesscom Elite db (which covers 2020-12 to 2024-12) and the Lichess Elite db (which covers 2013-01 to 2024-12).

Covers 2014-12 to 2024-12. Every game has players rated at least 2500, the games are between 20-150 moves, and they end in checkmate. Doubles, bullet games and non-standard games have been removed. Openings, plycount and evaluations have been added in.

1,829,705 games:

These are just like the previous set of engine games, in that no player is rated below 2300, and no game has less than 10 moves or more than 150. Each game also has a high-enough beauty score in ChessBase that it has three out of three medals. This represents about 2% of the original database. All games have opening tags, ply count, beauty scores, evaluations, and novelty annotations.

All 45,074 games:

“Artemis” games are games that are considered strong (2300+ and 10+ moves) and most beautiful (meaning three medals for beauty in ChessBase 17 or 18). These are the engine games that I ran for the FDRL (the Fixed Depth Rating List) and the CERL (the Chess Engine Rating List). Games have openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations.

All 25,647 games:

All 20,669 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.

All 20,198 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.

All 18,324 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.

All 24,437 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.

All 22,972 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.