From the old Rusbase site, which is a revision of the older Rusbase site. As has been said elsewhere (I believe) this is the best I can get, in that many of their links point to 404s. However, if you ever want to know the secret to getting these files, it’s this: if you use a link grabber, or what have you, to suck up all the URLs on the site, you’ll get a few strays, and then about 5,000 good URLs. Just change .html to .zip, put those into a download manager, and you’ll get about 3,500 ZIPs, and about 1,500 404s. Those really do point to nothing, so the system works. It’s that the site owner apparently is as neat with their files as I am, having named every ZIP and every HTML file consistently. 🙂
141,566 games (with evaluations, openings, plycount, and beauty scores):