Complete Named Openings

Here is the complete list of named openings (obtained via Lichess on GitHub) in different formats:

TSV: This contains the ECO code, the name, the moves in both SAN and UCI, and the FEN.

PGN: This contains a full PGN for each opening. There is no FEN, as that describes the final position, and there is no UCI. Because it’s not in the list, the Double Bongcloud happens to have been added to the PGN only. If you need to use this as an opening suite, all you need do is remove Fool’s Mate, which can be found by searching on the hash symbol (#).

PDF: Made from a DOCX which was made from an HTML file. This includes ECO code, name, moves in SAN and UCI, FEN, and a rendered board of the FEN.

Total size of the ZIP is about 120 MB, mostly due to the PDF.