Elegance Tagger

In an effort to bypass the use of ChessBase, which is an expensive piece of software that for many people is unavailable, I was able to get ChatGPT to devise a new scoring system called the elegance score. It goes from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest, writing the result in a tag. I had ChatGPT explain the scoring system, and it did so thus:

1. Brilliant Combinations (Max 40 Points):

  • Sacrifices & Tactical Brilliance:
    Rewards bold moves such as queen, minor-piece, or rook sacrifices—especially when they lead to a significant improvement in the evaluation.
  • Surprise Tactics:
    Recognizes unexpected moves or sequences (large evaluation swings) that hint at creative combinations or deep tactical insight.

2. Positional Domination (Max 30 Points):

  • Sustained Initiative:
    Awards points for maintaining a consistent, positive evaluation over a series of moves, reflecting steady control of the game.
  • Exploiting Weaknesses:
    Encourages moves that press the opponent by forcing checks or creating vulnerabilities, indicating sound positional play.

3. Resourcefulness (Max 20 Points):

  • Comeback & Recovery:
    Measures the ability to overcome a material or positional deficit. A significant turnaround from a disadvantageous position earns extra points, highlighting resilience and creative recovery.

4. Conciseness (Max 10 Points):

  • Efficiency & Decisiveness:
    Rewards games that conclude quickly—either through a fast checkmate or a clearly forced mate—suggesting that the decisive ideas were both sharp and direct.

Here is the program for adding in elegance scores:


Usage: EleganceTagger.exe INPUT_PATH -o OUTPUT_PATH

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