This is a Windows executable compiled from a Python script, which gathers information on a particular GitHub repository, listing in separate files all the commits, the official releases, and the workflow artifacts, with direct URLs to the binaries.
Since one repository owner can have more than one relevant repository, it’s important to specify both. So at runtime you need at least two arguments: the name of the repo owner, and the name of the repo. You can also specify asc or desc to indicate whether the list should start at the beginning or go backwards from the end. The default is ascending.
GitHubRepoInfoFetcher.exe [-h] [-v] [-ver] -ro REPO_OWNER -re REPO {asc,desc}
Fetch GitHub repository commit, release, and workflow artifact information.
-h, –help • show this help message and exit
-v, –verbose • Enable verbose output.
-ver, –version • Display script version.
-ro REPO_OWNER, –repo-owner REPO_OWNER • Owner of the GitHub repository.
-re REPO, –repo REPO • Name of the GitHub repository.
Example in PowerShell
.\GitHubRepoInfoFetcher.exe -v -ro official-stockfish -re Stockfish asc