Author(s): Volodymyr Shcherbyna (UKR)
Release Date: 2024-12-28
Languages: C/C++
Repo Owner: vscherbyna
Repo URL:
What’s new:
- extend by 2 in singular extension on non pv move
- improve low bound condition in singular extension
- check beta score in probcut condition
- store in TT in standing pat in qsearch
- implement iid
- tune null move depth
- tune razor depth
- remove instant moves handling
Regression run against Igel 3.5.0:
Long Time Control With Increment (60s+0.6s)
Elo | 21.28 +- 3.60 (95%)
Conf | 60.0+0.60s Threads=1 Hash=64MB
Games | N: 8860 W: 2461 L: 1919 D: 4480
Penta | [7, 798, 2299, 1298, 28]
Short Time Control With Increment (10s+0.1s)
Elo | 20.07 +- 3.21 (95%)
Conf | 10.0+0.10s Threads=1 Hash=8MB
Games | N: 13918 W: 3953 L: 3150 D: 6815
Penta | [76, 1392, 3306, 2023, 162]