Lc0 Artemis Training Games

These are the training PGNs from filtered to include only “strong” games that end in checkmate, have a three-medal beauty score, an elegance score above 50, and are considered by the Interesting Wins Search Tool to be “very interesting”.

The training games are run at a low depth and a high speed, and add up to about half a million per day. That is just too many, so filtering works the best. All games have evaluations; beauty, elegance, and IWST scores; openings; plycount; and novelty annotations.

3 thoughts on “Lc0 Artemis Training Games

  1. Hello,

    I’m a 50-year-old amateur chess player with a rating of 2000. I recently discovered your website and am very interested in engine chess, particularly Lc0 games. The emergence of neural network engines like Lc0 and AlphaZero has reignited my passion for the game, and I’m looking for a comprehensive database of Lc0 games. Ideally, I’d like to find resources similar to consolidated PGN files for CCC or TCEC tournaments.

    I’ve attempted to download games from for individual tournaments, but this has proven difficult to maintain. I’ve also explored other sites like “Chess Engines Diary,” downloading their tournament PGNs and filtering for Lc0 games. Additionally, I’ve found some blogs with training game PGNs.

    I would be extremely grateful if you could direct me to any resources where I can download comprehensive collections of Lc0 games, organized by platform or tournament if possible.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    Best regards,

    1. Absolutely. I may have to go in here to this comment and update it later if the specifics are wrong, but off the top of my head, you find the documentation at and the files themselves at, in two sections: training_pgns and matches. It’s organized into three runs and then a forth, I guess, labeled adj. It don’t quite understand the relationship there, but if you look at the Matches page in the training section, you’d find a very large table. On this site is some software that will find and download that table for you, converting it to a comma-separated value file. You can either open that in a text editor or in a spreadsheet program. You eventually get URLs out of this, and can directly download entire days at a time. I’ll have to repost all of that. The training games are considered pretty low in quality, because they run super-fast at a very low depth. But you get a half a million games a day, so filtering on that gives you lots of interesting games. The match games are a better thing to collect. That’s more like a million or so games a month. I can double-check all this. Hope you’re well.

  2. Dear Ian,

    Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate it.

    I will check the pages that you mentioned above and try to figure it out.

    In the meantime, I’ve downloaded the files from the Lc0 repository on your blog ( I noticed a “matches” folder containing large PGN files (around 600MB each), such as “lc0-matches-2411.” When I try to open these match files in Fritz, it says there are no games in them. Other PGN files in the same folder, presumably training games, open without any issues.

    Could you shed some light on what these “matches” PGN files are and why Fritz might not be recognizing the games within them? I’m curious to understand what I might be missing.

    Thank you again for your help.

    Best Regards,

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