Created from the combined CCRL that I have on this site. That means the engine ratings are from that list — though it was designed to adhere closely to the actual CCRL. One feature of that list is that all the extraneous information is removed from the engine names. Meaning if an engine is listed as, say, “Stockfish 15 avx2 4CPU” or something like that, it was first changed to “Stockfish 15” before the rating list was made. As a consequence, all the engine names here are also just the plain engine name and the version number/name. So you’d have to make those changes first to whatever PGN you were adding ratings to.

Just load this into Scid via Options — Resources…, or into Scid vs. PC via Options — Load Spellcheck File. It then works like a normal SSP ratings file.

Release Date: 2024-12-28
Language: C
Repo Owner: Jakob256
Repo URL:

Score against Version 18: 64% (+100 Elo)

  • moveordering refactored and considers “defended by a pawn” for own pieces
  • if depth2go>=4 and no hashmove is available, a shallow search is used to find the most promising move
  • beta-pruning at depth2go=1,2,3 with margins 0cp, 250cp and 500cp
  • 4 captures extend the search by 2 ply
  • repetition detection: if a position occures twice in the search tree, it is evaluated as drawn

These are just like the previous set of engine games, in that no player is rated below 2300, and no game has less than 10 moves or more than 150. Each game also has a high-enough beauty score in ChessBase that it has three out of three medals. This represents about 2% of the original database. All games have opening tags, ply count, beauty scores, evaluations, and novelty annotations.

All 45,074 games:

Author(s): Rei Meguro (USA)
Release Date: 2024-12-27
Language: C++
Repo Owner: Orbital-Web
Repo URL:

  • Used GediminasMasaitis’s Texel Tuner to tune evaluation parameters
  • Switched to fully tapered evaluation (not just a select few parameters)
  • Added bishop-colored corner distance boost
  • Added bishop pair bonus
  • Added early draw evaluation evaluation scaling to avoid premature captures that result in draws

ELO Increase: 118

“Artemis” games are games that are considered strong (2300+ and 10+ moves) and most beautiful (meaning three medals for beauty in ChessBase 17 or 18). These are the engine games that I ran for the FDRL (the Fixed Depth Rating List) and the CERL (the Chess Engine Rating List). Games have openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations.

All 25,647 games:

All 20,669 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.

All 20,198 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.

All 18,324 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.

All 24,437 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.

All 22,972 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.

World-ch01 Steinitz-Zukertort 1886

                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1   Steinitz,William            2674   -42  1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 0 ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1   12.5/20
2   Zukertort,Johannes Hermann  2543   +42  0 1 1 1 1 0 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 0 1 ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 0 0    7.5/20

20 games

All 20 games (with openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelties):

William Steinitz (2674) – Johannes Zukertort (2543)
1886.01.11 – 1886.03.29
New York – St. Louis – New Orleans, USA

622 games of William Steinitz (with evaluations, novelties, openings, and beauty scores):

792 games of Johannes Zukertort (with evaluations, novelties, openings, and beauty scores):

All 23,752 games:

This is combined from TWIC, Chesscom Events, and Chess Results:

Doubles and non-standard games are removed. Everything here qualifies in ChessBase as a strong game, i.e. at least 10 moves, and with ratings 2300+. Openings, evaluations, beauty scores, and novelty annotations are added.